Local Product - farmtotote@gmail.com
Large bags are approximately: 16 H x 15 W x 5 1/2 D with flat bottom.
Farm to Tote - Upcycled Handmade Reusable Tote Bags using Local Feed Bags
Robbin takes great pride in creating clean, well stitched, and stylish tote bags - she's very detail oriented about every aspect of the bags, so you won't be disappointed!
Farm to Tote owner, Robbin Mullen, of Wayne, Maine - A small business focused on up-cycling feed grain bags and turning them into something useful instead of going to a landfill. All of the bags are handmade by Robbin. Once collected from local farms, the bags are cleaned with botanical disinfectant and hung to dry. Each grain bag is used to make the entire tote bag, including the handles, leaving very little waste. Some of the local farms that provide the feed bags are: Austin's Farm and Forest Products, Albion; S&S Rainbow Egg Farm, Readfield; Rockin Sheep Farm, Livermore Falls; Shady Tree Homestead, Livermore Falls; Catawampus Farm, Minot and Two Farms in Montville and Yarmouth.
Material: Woven polypropylene.